Have you ever suffered severe sensitivity during teeth whitening process? Sensitivity usually is caused when hydrogen peroxide soaks through your enamel, exposing the nerves in the dentin beneath it. If the symptom is too severe, it can cause the patient to abort the whitening treatment. As a matter of fact, a number of whitening systems in the market can cause noticeable to severe dentinal sensitivity. Our office provides bleaching systems with variable hydrogen peroxide concentrations with a special desensitizer to reduce or eliminate sensitivity during your whitening process. This allows us to offer a customizable whitening treatment. To learn more, please call our office for a predictable and enjoyable whitening treatment.
你在牙齿漂白的过程当中, 是否经历过严重的牙齿敏感?这往往是由于漂白剂的主要成分过氧化氢会刺激牙釉质下面的神经,从而造成牙齿的敏感。敏感的症状可以很轻微也可能非常严重,致使有些病人不得不终止漂白治疗。事实上,市场上很多牙齿漂白剂都会造成敏感症状。我们诊所目前开始提供不同过氧化氢浓度的漂白剂,以及使用特别的脱敏剂,旨在减轻或完全去除漂白剂造成的敏感症。因而你的漂白治疗将根据你的情况个别制定。请与我们联络,希望你的牙齿漂白过程可以轻松愉快地达到预期效果。